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Nutrition goal to get rid from Anxiety/Stress & Depression in #Covid pandemic

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

Welcome to world of nutrition to achieve mental health because "there is no health without mental health or I can say without internal peace" which will help us to deal with pandemic situation...

When everyone is at home with our whole family food plays always a huge role.

In the second wave of covid is India people and their families facing a lot of changes regarding maintaining healthy #life#life-style, dealing with uncertainty, feeling stress & anxiety due to quarantine, isolation and self-lockdown. After new normal of 2020 Covid situation nobody was expecting these things again and never taught that second time this will come back to power. These all situations disrupts food habits and peoples are experiencing mood changes, body tiredness, low feeling, unhappiness and with other #mentalhealth related carelessness.

But this is also a reality that we have to overcome and should focus on our health to save our lives, to create happiness, to come again in new normal and to be more-stronger to fight against this situation and nee to prepare ourself again, We have to be stronger than present & previous time.

Health? According to #WHO (World Health Organization, 1948) "Health is a state of complete Physical, Social, Mental & spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

So here some are very easy and effective mental health tips:

Keep your body hydrated.
Plan a balance meal for a whole family.
Take a good care of Gut Microbiota for good immunity & more mental power.
Take Probiotics daily also in cold & Cough.
Discard use of plastic packaged food and any kind packaged & preserved foods.
Make an active routine for daily Yoga/Exercise.
Take a sound sleep.
Plan next day routine before going to your bed.
Spend time in gardening & plantations in our own home.
Maintain healthy environment.
Discards bad news and media from your life for some time.
Do daily prayers & Stay positive.
Say thanks to God whatever you received in your life.
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