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Updated: Jun 25, 2022

Living healthy & happy

You deserve better in your life so make a change using some lifestyle changes; choose the right step for you for a healthy today and healthy future.

Addressing PCOS

"This hormonal disorder 1st reported by Stein and Leventhal in 1935 with the symptoms complex with amenorrhea, hirsutism, and enlarged ovaries with multiple cysts". Studies showed that polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is highly found in the middle & high-income urban populations rather than in rural populations. PCOS is a hormonal problem & starts with the reproductive age (15 years of age)& can be mild or severe if not cure.

PCOS is a disorder which causes obesity and many other metabolic complications according to a report published in THE HINDU newspaper about 18 % of women suffer from PCOS.

What are the hormonal changes in PCOS & how obesity is related with PCOS?

Hormones are the chemical messenger in our circulatory system which reached all parts of the body & responds to the specific target cells to specific hormones. PCOS is a result of an imbalance of hormones in the brain & ovary. The amount of these hormones produced varies from month to month and year to year depending on many factors including stress, nutrition, exercise and organ functioning.

· PCOS is caused due to lack of balance in Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (pituitary gland, which is located in the brain between the hypothalamus and the pineal gland makes these two hormones) or high levels of insulin hormone (from the pancreas, located behind the stomach).

· Ovaries make the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone) and also makes the male sex hormones androgen testosterone very little bit. Women with PCOS are often found to have higher than normal insulin levels.

  • A high level of insulin hormones stimulates the ovaries to make more of the hormone testosterone.

  • Reached to the bloodstream causes cells in your body to absorb too much glucose (sugar) from your blood and the body can go into hypoglycemia.

  • Having insulin resistance can increase the risk of developing diabetes and contribute to obesity and its related complications and that's why PCOS woman makes trouble with weight lose.

How to find indications of PCOS?

· Abnormal menstrual cycles, No periods or irregular periods for a few months.

· Heavy or prolonged bleeding

· Painful periods

· Weight gain & difficulty in losing weight

· Hair growth on chicks and chin

· Inability to get pregnant

· Acne

· Facial hair (more than is normal for the ethnic group)

· Waist measurement greater than 35 inches, or waist bigger than hips (apple shape)

· Acanthosis nigricans darker patches of skin in neck folds, armpits, folds in waistline, or groin.

What is the right food for PCOS women

High carbohydrate & fat diet, Processed and preserved foods aren't good for the woman having PCOS, but not all carbohydrates and fats are the same? If we know the right types of foods to eat & food limits can improve the way we feel & also will help to reduce PCOS co- morbidity.

Eating the right kind of food with an adequate amount stays healthy and maintains a healthy body weight.

Here are some healthful options of food and nutrients for you.

High Fiber food: Fiber takes more time in digestion and helps to combat extra hormones like insulin and reduced the impact of monosaccharides in blood. Women with PCOS should include a great option of fibre in their diet because fibre provides bulk in diet so you feel more hunger for a longer period of life. Appreciable food high in fibre like Millet and its flour with husk (Ragi, Kuttu, Jawar and normal wheat flour) whole pulses without removing peel namely (Green gram, Horse gram, Chhole & Rajma) &Fruits & Vegetables with peel or more fibre fruits like orange, apple, watermelon & muskmelon also avoid high glycemic fruits.

Carbohydrate : Avoid refined flour&its products, refined sugar, candies, Carbonated beverages, Soda, sauces & pickles & so many preserved & processed food products, which we forget to count its hidden properties with bad impact on our health in our diet and these foods are the more dangerous for our health due to many reasons: like the given type of foods contains preservatives, salts and sugars in a lot of amounts.

Reduce the carbohydrate content in your diet because it will help to reduce the insulin concentration in PCOS women and helps to improve the endocrine functions.

Proteins in diet: Proteins are the main components in the body as well as in our diet, they work as enzymes and facilitate many chemical reactions, metabolic reactions and digestion. Proteins are a bunch of amino acids& one of the most active nutrients in the body which employ as building muscle& health. We always talked that protein is good for health still every morning what do we do? We usually took a cup of tea or a cup of coffee. Do we ever think about proteins when we wake up in the morning? Do we ever think about good-quality proteins? We always include protein after finishing half of the day from our daily routine like directly in lunch or sometimes in dinner.

What does protein do in stomach? What do Tea & Coffee do with an empty stomach?

It makes a huge difference in hormones production in your body. Proteins are also integral in the production of hormones like insulin (peptide hormones) , thyroid hormones, estrogen, and testosterone & allowing cells to exactly control these hormones & also help as anti-inflammatory in PCOS. While Tea & Coffee stimulates the steroid hormones like cortisol, increase the level of gastric enzymes and causes acidity which interferes with the digestion & absorption of nutrients like protein.

Tips for More water consumption:

  • Set an alarm on your phone which we always kept in our hands now every day for drinking water an hourly.

  • Keep a water bottle near your table so that you can reach it easily.

  • Paste some good quotations on your wall about drinking more water for motivation.

What are the lifestyle changes for long term?

Regular Yoga & exercise along with dietary management is very important in treating PCOS normally as it works with our organs and helps to improve the sensitivity of the hormone & enhance the metabolic rate. An imbalance of Pancreatic hormone insulin & thyroid hormones happens due to an overload of poor metabolism. Don't do too much exercise just try to make an optimal time of workout 30 or 60 minutes in a day daily &include a variety of home exercises. you can do exercise at any time in the day don't think that only should do it in the morning or evening, make sure that your stomach should be empty.

“Take it easy & keep life busy”
 So a well-balanced diet, physical activity & some life style changes are the most effective treating way contributing to the improvement of metabolism parameters and weight reduction.

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12 dic 2020

great to read this article.

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Dr Anu Agrawal
Dr Anu Agrawal
16 abr 2020


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